Home News Automobile The Unbiased Awards – Best of Tech & Auto in 2020. Vote...

The Unbiased Awards – Best of Tech & Auto in 2020. Vote Now! #TheUnbiasedAwards


Looking back on a year of technology and automobiles is a lot of fun until you remember that you’re tasked with picking out the best. So to make this task simpler and unbiased we decide to do it through jury and public voting. And here we are with The Unbiased Awards 2020 where you pick the winners along with India’s finest tech and auto journalists, content creators and actual users as we announce the best of tech and auto of 2020.

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Disclaimer: The Unbiased Awards are completely Unbiased. We do not accept any sponsors, offer any affiliations or have any prejudice for any individual or corporation.

This year for The Unbiased Awards 2020 our stellar jury includes the stalwarts of the industry (in alphabetic order)

Ashish Bhatia

The quintessential man who talks about anything that concerns – Luxury | Fashion | Travel | Food | Spirits | Hotels | Tech | Cars | Jewelry | Accessories | Lifestyle | Art. He is the Founder @theluxelog 

Follow him on Twitter @ashishone

Cyrus John

Nocturnal, impulsive, find solace in some of the most simple things in life like a PS4. Chief Sub Editor – Technology @BGR.in.

Follow him on Twitter @cyro_j

Jayanta Ghosh

Columnist: Writes about gadgets, enterprise, technology and travel. A photographer and blogger who loves to travel and explore.

Follow him on Twitter @gadgetsurfer

Manav Sinha

Auto Journalist | Works at @CNNNews18, writes for @News18Auto

Follow him on Twitter @Manav_Sinha

Nand Kumar Nair

Eat, Sleep, Dream, Drive that’s what NKN does. He’s loving called SAM in the auto circle 🙂

Follow him on Twitter @samonwheel

Nishant Padhiar

Nishant knows his Stuff. Literally! After all, he is the Editor of Stuff (India) & What (HiFi India)

Follow him on Twitter and Instagram @nishantpadhiar

Rajiv Makhni

The OG! The Real Deal! The Omnipresent Gadget Guru – Radio, Print, TV, Web, YouTube, Social Media. If there is a platform where you can discuss tech, chances are he started it.

Managing Editor, Technology, NDTV. Anchor – Gadget Guru, Cell Guru, Next Big Thing, Men Can’t Dance, Walk The Tech Talk, TechGrandmasters

Follow him on Twitter @rajivmakhni and Instagram @therajivmakhni

Ranojoy Mukherjee

Love for finer things in life is what describes Ranojoy. A hedonist for cars, food, wine, whisky, cigars and travel.

Follow him on Twitter @Ranojoy and Instagram @Ranojoym

Renuka Kripalani

Renuka will either be driving a car, fixing it, talking about it or building it (check out the car lego sets she has built)

Editor and Anchor of Autocar show on Times network. Nuts about cars and road travel!

Follow her on Twitter @Renuks and Instagram @renukakirpalani

Sahil Mohan Gupta

He writes about what his life revolves around – tech, gadgets, cars, dogs, parties, music.

Founder @_warpcore | Consulting editor @carandbike | contributor newsx & CNBC | Follow him on Twitter @digitallybones

In total, there are 28 categories for TECH and AUTO to select from. All the categories have multiple choices and ‘other’ option for each question where you can input an answer of your choice. The voting for The Unbiased Awards 2020 will continue till 25th Dec Midnight and the winners will be declared on our YouTube Channel.

Do share your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions in the comments section below or tweet to us @theunbiasedblog or @nikhilchawla



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