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Pinterest. Now or Never!

A special feature on ‘Pinterest for brands’ by our very own +Nikhil Chawla 

Has your social media agency or consultant told you that you are loosing out if you are not on Pinterest? And you wondered, what the hell is that now? Well if you knew about it, you asked yourself how my brand would benefit from a platform other than Facebook or Twitter. The fact of the matter is that Pinterest generates more revenue for your brand than Facebook. 

Surprised? Don’t be as it’s time for you to get your brand onboard. But before you do that, here is a list of 5 things you shouldn’t do on Pinterest:

1. No Strategy only action!
This point goes with anything you do with your brand. If you don’t have a strategy you are not going to last long. You can’t just say We have to be on Pinterest because everyone else is! this isn’t a strategy. And if you don’t have a strategy, you may be wasting time. Know your keywords and use them in profiles, pins, and boards.

2. Dull Images. Nah!
Pinterest is image-driven and your pins are competing against professional photography from landscapes to kittens doing cute things. You can’t be cheap about your photography, If you’re going to make the effort and dedicate the budget and hours it takes to be on Pinterest, you have to have engaging, amazing images that will get you noticed and re-pinned. Another option is to skip the photography and create interesting graphics with text or charts.

3. Boredom. We are not interested!
Brands become boring if they appear overly corporate. Legal worries have scared some companies away from pinning stuff. That’s too bad because nobody will follow them if all they’re pinning is their catalogue or images from their website. I’ll just go to the catalogue or the website if I want to see that stuff.
4. Using representatives who don’t understand the brand.
Companies often hire college graduates or other young folks to pin on their behalf only because they know Pinterest better than their older colleagues do. A lot of small business owners tell me their friend’s son will handle social media because they ‘get’ it. But they may not know your brand or the tone you want to convey.

5. Forgetting your audience.
It’s too easy to get lost in pinning what you find interesting or what represents your brand without paying attention to what your target customers care about. So pay attention to what people like. Notice what they re-pin, then just do more of that. You need to interact, respond to questions, and make sure you have boards aimed at your specific audience.

If you would like to share more points then do leave your valuable comments 🙂


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