Apple Watch has been known for saving the lives of a lot of people, we have heard a lot of stories like these before as well. 

Recently, Apple Watch did the same thing again by saving the life of a 58-year old man, whose name is Bob March. He’s a former athlete as well, the apple watch was gifted to him by her wife Lori on their 17th birthday.

Reciting about the actual incident itself, because of the accurate readings by the apple watch. It helped Bob diagnose arrhythmia and promptly schedule a doctor’s appointment as well. That visit confirmed the irregularities and a simple ablation procedure helped Bob secure his future.  

Apple also shares a post where, March writes, “On Friday, after a three-mile run with my dog, I went to Providence [Rhode Island, US] for a check-up, as I had noticed my pulse was very elevated on the Apple Watch my wife gave me for our anniversary. After a standard EKG, 10 minutes later I was in an ambulance and on the way here. The rest of my journey now rests in your capable hands.”

It is said that, if an arrhythmia is left untreated, it can sometimes lead to serious conditions, including stroke. Both March and Lori credit the Apple Watch for changing their future with Lori adding, “We truly believe that it saved his life. It doesn’t get any bigger than that.”

Well with that said, do let us know if you have any questions, by dropping a comment down below. 

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Madhav Banka
Madhav is a Tech Enthusiast and a Gamer. He also writes for The Automotive Blog, where he covers Auto related news.


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