Home News Gift Lip-Fillers to Your Better-half This Valentine’s Day

Gift Lip-Fillers to Your Better-half This Valentine’s Day

Gift Lip-Fillers to Your Better-half This Valentine’s Day

Lips are the most defining feature of your face as they amplify your beauty and research has also shown that people spend more time noticing the lips than any other part of the face. The shape of the lips depends upon the texture of the lip skin and the angles of the lips as well as the proportion of the upper and lower lips. Dr. Sirisha Singh, Renowned Dermatologist and Cosmetologist practicing in Delhi, gives you some tips and procedure options to get perfect lips and make heads turn this Valentine’s Day!



A. Lip-fillers


The easiest way to get luscious lips and surprise your special someone is to opt for a lip-filler. A synthetic analogue of hyaluronic acid, which is the natural glue of the skin, is injected into the lips, making them voluptuous and more prominent. Fillers add volume to the lips by hydrating the skin and make them look soft and shiny!


Lip-fillers are perfect for:


  1. Giving a border to the lips – For people not having prominent or defined lip borders or in older people when the borders collapse with age, these fillers help define and make them prominent.
  2. Lifting the angle of the mouth – Injecting a small amount of filler into the angles of the lips can help lift them up and make them appear more luscious.
  3. Adding volume to the lips – If lips are thin, fillers can make the lips voluminous and also make the skin soft and lustrous.
  4. To give the lower lips a dumb-bell shape – Injecting fillers symmetrically into both sides of the lower lip can give a very attractive dumb-bell shape to the lips.
  5. To define the cupids bow and philtral columns – A small amount of filler may be injected into the two philtral columns which gives them definition and also lifts up the lips, making them look more attractive.


Usually, a single syringe of filler is adequate to obtain a good response, except in people with extremely thin lips when 2 syringes of filler may be required.


However, the side effects of using lip fillers include mild swelling of the lips, which can last for a week and irregularity may be an issue if the filler is not massaged properly. The results depend primarily on the skill of the injector but in experienced hands, the outcome is very gratifying!

B. For those who want to avoid undergoing artificial treatments, here are some useful tips to have glamorous lips this Valentine’s Day.

  1. If the lip skin is dry and chapped, use a gentle scrub twice a day to take away the dead skin, followed by a hydrating lip balm, preferably with SPF, to be used several times a day. Lip balms hydrate the lips and also minimise darkening due to UV exposure.
  2. Make sure the skin around the corners of the lips, where the upper and lower lips meet, is soft with no irregular pigmentation, as this can give your lips a depressed angle, making you look sad and unhappy.
  3. The volume of the lips are of utmost importance, as thin lips can make one look unattractive and significantly take away from the beauty of the face. Also the lower lip should ideally be slightly more voluminous than the upper lip.


So, in case you are looking for not the usual run-of-the-mill gift options for this Valentine’s Day, The Skin Center offers you the perfect option that is extremely desirable for most girls and a requirement for a lot of men! At a special Valentine’s price of Rs. 16,000/-, results can be seen for at least 6 months. So make your loved one feel cherished and pampered this Valentine’s Day with these fillers.


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